Domination is an art I’ve subconciously practiced ever since I was a young child.
You don’t become a dominatrix: you were born one. Until, one day I realized who I really was and decided to live my darkest fantasies.
I am a woman of power. I use my power over men and women. My beauty is tantalizing, intoxicating.
I use it to subjugate my slaves.
In my presence they become consumed by their desire, enslaved by their own frustration.

I use psychology to destroy my slaves’ will, hypnotize them and read their minds openly. I know the words to reach their deepest soul.
I own my slaves with my words more than with my whip.

Dominatrice bdsm paris

If you are daring enough to reach out to me,
and penetrate my universe, learn that there will be no turning
back. You will discover a world where ecstasy is mixed with pain, where seduction is everywhere, where fantasies meet no taboos.

Your senses will be overwhelmed, and addiction will soon poison your senses. I’m a hard drug.
First, I will seek your limits, only to push them and destroy them as you will inevitably become my property.
You will then understand how little you know yourself, you will be mine heart and soul.
And when that happens you will be my slave.

You’ll give up yourself in a total submission.

You will worship the hand that owns your ass,
the foot that crushes your genitals. You will fear the whip that will burn your flesh and dread my soft humiliating voice.
But above all, your consuming desire will keep you helpless at my mercy. And that will be cruel to you, because I will always remain beyond your reach.
A cold glance from me, will strip you heart and soul.
You are naked, your heart is bleeding and you yearn for a smile. You know that you cannot win the game and you surrender.
You are becoming another person, one you don’t know yet.
A helpless little boy, may be one you’ve been but have long forgotten…

And this is were our connection is true, because I will be the only to know who you really are!
In my service you will discover ecstatic cruelties, addicting tortures and forbidden pleasures.

Become my slave, it is your true nature.
But only if I want it…

Angelik par levi brok photographe bw Donjon door Actu aout 2015 mon donjon bdsm sur paris

I am now opening the doors of a unique dungeon and only by appointment.

Dedicated and motivated slaves should contact me.
At my feet, you will experience your darkest desires and feel free at last.
Devotion, service and good education are paramount.
My beauty is only accessible to the most sincere slaves.
You will then follow a path to ultimate pleasures at my feet.
But again, only if I wish to meet you first!
Introductory e-mails must be politely and properly written, accompanied by a recent photograph and a telephone number I can use to contact you.
I will not follow up hidden numbers.
My passion is to frustrate men, thus any sexual act is banished.

Domina angelik

Signature maitresse angelik

Sur ce site vous pouvez découvrir mon Actualité avec les dates de mon agenda Parisien, les Récits de mes sessions écrits par mes soumis, mes Galeries Photos ( Fétichismes & Domination ), mes Fantasmes & Pratiques, mes Vidéos et bien plus. Provocantes et transgressives, votre Maîtresse Angelik, Dominatrice sur Paris, explorera les recoins les plus sombres de votre psyché humaine. Mon site web dépeint Mon univers BDSM, imprégné de désir, de plaisir mêlées de douleur, de pouvoir, le mien et de soumission, la votre. Comme le Marquis de Sade a laissé une empreinte indélébile sur la littérature BDSM, je laisserais ma marque sur votre corps et dans votre esprit.