You have never prostrated in front of a true Mistress? There are some rules to know not to provoke the wrath of your Dominatrix.
Indeed, a submissive must properly hold his place of slave.

Here is the training protocol put in place by your SM Goddess.

Various positions to adopt in front of your Mistress :
– Kneeling, hands behind, eyes down
– Prostrate, buttocks up in the air, forehead on the ground, hands outstretched palm open
– Lying on your back, hands under your head, legs apart, offered to your Mistress
– On all fours, head down, buttocks bouncing, back dug.

Attitude to respect in the presence of your Parisian Dominatrix :
– Never speak without her permission
– Never cross her eyes unless she says so
– Walk on leash: Always behind your Mistress, without ever having to pull on the leash
– Never discuss an order or a punishment, thank with humility the Mistress for every blow received.

Position to hold when you are my object :
– Always be available, never drop the object, even if you receive a punishment at the same time
– The Mistress alone decides the limits, protest is futile and useless
– Always ready to serve your Mistress, without ever asking the least question, whatever the situation, such as the loan to another Mistress.

The slave must be an extension of the will of his Mistress in whom he has absolute confidence.

Signature maitresse angelik

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